I Told You, So - words to undergrads
About Keybi
Video Creator. Storyteller.
Hi, I am the creator of Beeskit Social. I believe wisdoms and knowledges come from the daily living experience in our life. More importantly, the wisdom and knowledge we have shall share and connect to people in the world we are living in.
I build Beeskit Social, a platform where I can share videos, I have created, to my world audience. Nowadays, I believe storytelling is about capturing LOCAL stories with a SIMPLE lens, so that we can seek for WISDOM and meaningful message from events, which we been experienced in. By recording the events as well as the experience we care the most, we can unfold the journey of gaining wisdom and knowledge, as we walk through the process in those experience.
I speaks three languages: English, Cantonese and Mandarin. I have received honours bachelor degree in drama and media at Queen’s University. I also studied adult education and community development and received my master degree in education at University of Toronto.